Today Rea joins us on the blog to share about her newest study!
Dear Readers,
Dear Readers,
Thank you to all the friends and literature lovers who have waited patiently for this new study to be available! It has been quite a labor of love, and it is my fond hope that you and your students will have as many happy, enriching, and rewarding times with it, as I have!
So . . . Here goes! Around the World with Picture Books Part I is designed to be a notebook approach to world cultures and geography for the primary student. (Part II will cover South America and Europe and is slated for Winter/Spring 2018). Using beloved children’s books, this guide includes nature study, folk tales, fables, art, poetry, history, and gentle Socratic questions to prompt discussion and discovery. Geographic elements include country maps and flags for students to cut out, paint, or color. The beautifully illustrated Maps by Aleksandra Mizielińska and Daniel Mizieliński acts as the spine of the study and there will be few students that don’t love geography after encountering this work. Beautiful drawings of indigenous animals are included for each country, and will familiarize students with some remarkable creatures, cultivating respect and wonder for the natural world. As the student compiles these elements in a journal, he creates a memorable keepsake recording all he is learning.
Part One covers Asia, Antarctica, Australia, and Africa. In Asia, we explore China, Japan, Thailand, and India. In Africa, we visit Morocco, Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, and Ghana. Each country visited includes additional picture book suggestions as well as biography and history recommendations. Chapters conclude with a fun foray into the cuisine of the country with recipes, photos, and links to create a memorable evening experiencing unique culinary creations from around the world—a perfect time for students to relate to family and friends all that they’ve learned.
The Literature
All of the books chosen for this study are either classic works, award-winning books, or newer selections that have achieved some critical acclaim. As a primary-level study, the book notes presented here are simple and straightforward with comprehension questions designed to enhance and draw out some of the subtleties or nuances of the books. Most selections included in this guide can stand quite well on their own. The best literature tends to inspire the student’s interest and curiosity to bubble up naturally and often notes are not necessary.
Nature Studies
Children take to the study of nature with keen interest and delight. The animals featured in this guide were chosen for their appeal to primary students. Helpful websites and links are included for each animal.
Researching a few remarkable facts about each of the creatures will help cultivate a child’s sense of wonder at the marvels of the natural world; allow time to ponder the spectacles of perfect symmetry, function, and design. Even the tiniest creature reveals something marvelous about the mind of the Creator and should inspire awe and reverence.
The notebooks that are included in the Around the World with Picturebooks Pack have been specially chosen for the quality they will bring to your student’s journaling experience. Imported from Japan, the Tsubame Fools Note Book is made from acid-free paper that is beautifully smooth to the touch, does not bleed through, and is lined for beginning writers but can accommodate a student working on cursive as well. With a sewn binding, this notebook lays perfectly flat wherever it is opened, significantly facilitating all the writing and pasting work in the course.
Finally, Around the World with Picture Books Part I goes to the press in just a few days, as we make all the final touches! The good news is that we have a download available now of the first two chapters—China and Japan. This includes all the lessons, geography, history and biography connections, art connections and nature studies. *Customers who purchase the Study Guide or Pack now will receive the download version of the Study Guide by the end of August as well as the print version around the beginning of October. You will also be emailed the first two chapters upon purchase. You can purchase Around the World in Picture Books now to receive the preview chapters and we also offer a book pack! Happy travels!