
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Stories from BFB Users and Product Updates

Today I'd like to share a few write-ups on BFB curriculum from parents just like you! We love reading blog entries written by other home schooling parents who use BFB as we take their feedback into consideration when we're writing and/or revising our study guides.

Here are links to a few blogs from parents who use BFB and have shared some experiences.

"Girls Have Rights Too!" This is a fun entry about a girl who really connected with Abigail Adams in her study using our Early American and World History for junior high.

At "Terrie's Treasures from Above" you can see wonderful examples of the notebooking activities that are a part of our Early American History program for K-3.

And a home school dad shares his thoughts on our Early American History for K-3 at "Dwelling Among the Tents".

Further reviews can be read here. Please note that some of the reviews are referring to older editions of the study guides and so some content may no longer be relevant.

And speaking of updated study guides, we have been getting more and more questions as to what guides have been revised. For those of you who are wondering here is the complete list:

Each of these guides is now in an easier-to-use full-color format. We've changed books, added new literature, expanded the activities and much more. For more complete descriptions of the changes, click on the links above where you will be taken to a description page for each guide. You can also read more about the changes at the following links:

Our high school level Medieval History Through Literature has also been revised and is in the final stages of editing. It should be available for immediate download in the next couple of weeks! 

For those of you who have used one of our revised and expanded guides, we would love to hear from you! Share your thoughts on the new format, structure, literature choices. Your feedback is so valuable to us in our pursuit of creating high quality educational products that are enjoyed by teachers, parents and students. And if you've reviewed one of our products on your blog, send us the link. We'd love to feature it! 


  1. Thanks for all the info. I am a bit confused about the California and Western Expansion guides. Is the California study also revised? It is colored and is different than the old one. Also, the Western Expansion is not colored but is it still a revised edition? Just wondering.

    1. Hi Nancy! Thanks for your comment. You're right it was the History of California that was revised. Way to be on top of it! I've revised the entry to reflect the correction. Sorry about the confusion. The Western Expansion is still black and white and has not be updated from when it was first published a couple of years ago. It's up-to-date but has not been switched over to the full-color format.
      Thank you again!

  2. Thanks for the clarification. We are doing both of these this coming year and am so impressed with the books and quality of the guides. Really looking forward to it!!
