
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Review: Using BFB with Multiple Ages

Hi! Welcome to our blog. Over the next few weeks we're going to be posting reviews of our curriculum from real home schooling families like yours. We hope these posts give you a window into what it's like to teach history with living books and our easy-to-use study guides. These reviews come from a variety of home schooling families: large, small, Christian, secular, Classical, unschoolers, etc. One of the benefits of teaching history through literature is that it can be done no matter what your homeschooling style or approach! We hope you enjoy this series - we're excited about it!

"This has easily been the most natural and relaxed curriculum I’ve used in my entire eight years of homeschooling. Ever." - Shelly, homeschooling mom of 11

Today, we're featuring Shelly, of There's No Place Like Home. As a mom of eleven who didn't like history as a student, she provides a great perspective on grouping students in different ages and teaching them from the same BFB study guide. It's a question we get every day from parents who have students who they want to teach together and our study guide are so easy to adapt to multiple levels. See how Shelly did it in her review. Here's the review:

"I love history. 
"Let me rephrase that. I love history now. As a student, it was probably my least favorite subject (besides math, of course).
"All of those boring textbook assignments left me feeling like I didn’t care if I never read another history book again. And the memorization. Oh my Lord. In my opinion, if you’re looking for an effective way to kill any desire your child might have to learn about the past, make them memorize a slew of dates that have no meaning to them.
"I didn’t want that for my kids. One of my main reasons for homeschooling is that I want my kids to actually want to learn. 
Recently I had the opportunity to try out Beautiful Feet Books with my children, and all I can say is that this curriculum has fulfilled that expectation, well, beautifully…and then some...." 
Read the rest of Shelly's review here. And here's a YouTube review she posted:

Thank you Shelly for all the great details and thoughts on our study! We're so happy you and your kids loved these books. 

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