
Monday, November 10, 2014

Remembering Veteran's Day and the Fall of the Berlin Wall

Tomorrow is Veteran's Day and we at BFB would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the veterans and their families who have made such incredible sacrifices for our nation. On celebrations like today it is easy to focus on the memories of the people who served and died during World War I and II and that is so very important. It is also essential that we not forget that we are a nation at war and have been for over a decade. Our armed forces are still put into harm's way every day and many return home bearing physical and psychological wounds. This Veteran's Day, let's not forget those who are serving amongst us today.

There are some excellent ways to observe Veteran's Day, check your local papers for details on parades, ceremonies, and other public events. Consider visiting with a veteran your family knows, or bringing a meal to a family who has a relative serving in the armed forces.

In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, illuminated balloons have been placed along the original 9-mile stretch of wall. Here it is seen from above at night. What an incredible visualization of a city divided.
Yesterday marked the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall! If you were alive at this time, you probably remember where your were. I was nine years old and very confused about the idea of an "Iron Curtain" separating East and West Germany. Check out this video of the celebrations in Germany, including the release of balloons symbolizing the wall. Amazing! Other interesting articles about this historic event:

Pieces of the Berlin Wall around the World

The Berlin Wall is Everywhere

Reagan and Kennedy's Speeches at the Berlin Wall

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