
Monday, January 07, 2013

College Applications for Home Schooled Students

In a sign that home schooling is becoming increasingly mainstream, New York Magazine has launched a special section on their website for urban home educators. It's called The Everything Guide to Urban Home Schooling.  I think home schoolers in the NYC area will find it helpful and for those going to visit the city, you may want to check it out for field trip ideas.

One of the most helpful articles I found was from the director of Harvard's admissions department. She clearly states that colleges no longer look with suspicion on students taught at home and also emphasizes the importance of good record keeping. When I applied to colleges fifteen years ago, most of the schools I contacted said the same thing. Home schooling was not an obstacle to be overcome, in fact, many colleges look favorably on home schoolers. Of course, the application process is a bit more difficult than it would be for a mainstream student as colleges generally require more documentation of classes taken and grades earned along with proof of extracurriculars. This is not insurmountable but it is worth considering whenever a home schooled student begins high school. Record keeping is essential if college is the goal.

Another article from The Everything Guide to Urban Home Schooling that I enjoyed was Meet a Homeschooling Family. Here the reader is introduced to five families who have made the decision to keep their children home for a variety of reasons. I think you'll find it interesting.

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