
Monday, October 01, 2012

Giveaway! Enter to win a download of our new Medieval History Study Guide

In honor of a new week, a new month (who loves October and all it's autumnal splendor?) and our new Medieval History Study Guide, we are offering a giveaway to one lucky reader. If you've been curious about the new study guide and all the changes we've made in it, here's your chance to win a downloadable copy. 

To enter use the Rafflecopter widget below to ensure that you get credit for all your entries! To be entered leave a comment below and check off that option in the Rafflecopter. That's it. To earn other entries, simply become a "Follower" on the blog, tweet this giveaway, pin it on Pinterest, share it on Facebook, or blog about it on your blog! Get your entries in by October 6 as the giveaway ends at midnight on Saturday. Winner will be announced on the blog next Monday. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. We have come back to BF this year after taking a break and are enjoying Medieval studies but my daughter has very fond memories of Early American History.

  2. I have used any yet, but would love to try this one.

  3. Would love to have this now, although we won't be back in Medieval times for another few years.

  4. I LOVE all of your products, but Medieval history is definitely the family favorite!

    Dani D.

  5. The medieval guide is next on our list, so I would love to win this contest! We are doing intermediate Ancient History now and it is going very well with my 14, 14 and 8 year old (tagging along and holding her own)!

  6. Ahh, yes...another great Beautiful Books product! There is no possible way to give just one of your items as my favorite - we love them all! Keep up the great work! :)

  7. We're using the high school version this year; did the middle school version a few years back. Would love to see the new version!

  8. Early American History-primary. Did it years ago with my older kids and now I'm going through it again with younger ones.

  9. Ahh, yes...another great Beautiful Books product! There is no possible way to give just one of your items as my favorite - we love them all! Keep up the great work! :)

  10. I've used two Beautiful Guides and they were great!

  11. Would love to have this. Both my boys are SO "into" knights and the Middle Ages right now!

  12. Goodness, it's like trying to pick you favorite child! :-) I really like the Early US and World History guide because of all of those Genevieve Foster books, but my middle child did Medieval intermediate last year and I really liked the format and literature selections for that guide, so it might be my new favorite.

  13. We've been using Character studies through Literature and love it

  14. We are just beginning our adventures with BF. We are using the Ancient History guidebook this year and we have also decided to do the Geography program with the lovely maps and Holling books. We're excited!

  15. I am inspired by BF study guides and the excellent living books that accompany them!

  16. Thanks for the opportunity to win!


  17. I have one child using the jr. high medieval study guide this year. So far, so good...its challenging him a bit, but that's a good thing!!

  18. I love all of the History Through Literature guides!

  19. We are doing 4 of your guides this year - U.S. History, Westward Expansion, History of Science, and the (on-going) History of Classical, love, love them all!

  20. We're loving your geography guide right now (for the Holling books). I'd love to get a new medieval guide.

  21. I Can't wait to see if I win! I love your products!

  22. We're using History of Science this year and just loving it! Next year my daughter has requested Medieval Times so I'm crossing my fingers for this giveaway. :)

  23. I've never used Beautiful Feet, or actually even heard of it, prior to seeing a mention on Kelly Mine's blog, but it looks great! We're planning to do Medieval History next year (we're using Tapestry of Grace Ancient History this year) so this would be a great addition!

  24. I've never used Beautiful Feet, or actually even heard of it, prior to seeing a mention on Kelly Mine's blog, but it looks great! We're planning to do Medieval History next year (we're using Tapestry of Grace Ancient History this year) so this would be a great addition!

  25. Our favorite BF products are the books by Genevieve Foster.

  26. I've really wanted to try Beautiful Feet, and we're getting ready to start our Medieval Times study, so I think this would be awesome!

  27. I haven't tried it yet, so I'm not sure what my favorite is.

  28. My favorite product seems to be the Early American History (primary) I am doing right now. I LOVE It!!! So amazing!

  29. This our first year using BF. I am going through Early American History--primary and intermediate--with my 2nd through 5th graders.

  30. I have early american history trying for the first time

  31. We have actually used 7 of your guides multiple times in our 18 years of homeschooling. Someone once gave us a respected Christian publisher's 8th grade history curriculum. My kids paged through it, and then begged to NOT use it, but to keep using Beautiful Feet guides! (which we did) My 8th grade daughter is studying the old version of the Medieval guide, and is an avid reader, so I was thinking about to switching over to it. Maybe this will be an opportunity! Thank you.

  32. Love the books, and am anxiously awaiting the release of the new kids history book.

  33. LOVE Beautiful Feet! Would be thrilled to win this! :)

  34. We are loving the Geography program this year:)

  35. We're planning to do this for 11th grade--I'd love a copy!

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. So many things I love... The literature is all so amazing!

  38. I am new to BF, but we are doing Medieval history this year, and if I won, it would be my favorite. :) Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  39. Do the literature choices count as a product. That's my favorite part. :)

  40. We are heading into the Medieval history next semester, so this is perfect timing! :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  41. Loving BF Ancients. Would love to do Medieval next. Thanks!

  42. My favorites are the wonderful books on history for children! Like Pocahontas,Benjamin Franklin, etc. I love the wonderful illustrations too!!

  43. Really into Medieval History and would love to get this! Thanks!

  44. My favorite is the Horse study. I used it with my older son and will be using it again soon with my two younger homeschoolers.

  45. We are currently doing the early American History. I would love this one as well, my kids would too.

  46. W are currently doing the History of the horse study and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. We are looking forward to doing more BF studies!

  47. We have used Ancient History, Early American History, and currently the History of Science. They have all been enjoyed by several children. We love the literature selections in the studies. Thanks so much for your work on these. Blessings. :-)

  48. We've been HSing for 10 years and have never tried BF products, but we would love to try them now!

  49. I love the BF Geography guide!

  50. WE have just started homeschooling and haven't used BFB just yet...but am wanting to start after the first of the year with American History!!

  51. I love BF study guides SO much. They have done wonders for our homeschool! We'd love to win this one!

  52. Geography Through Literature has been our favorite so far. The Holling books are just marvelous!

  53. Love this guide! Would love it also as a download. :)
