
Tuesday, September 04, 2012

The Landmark Series–classics from the past for children today!

I hope you all had a great extended weekend. We are shipping out last minute orders and have enjoyed talking with those of you who have called in with curriculum questions. Most of you have probably already started school and are hopefully enjoying all those wonderful new books you ordered and checked out from the library.

This time of year always makes me want to pull out a big stack of books and start reading. For those of you who are looking to fill your library with classics and the stories of great men and women, I would recommend taking a look at the Landmark Series. Originally published between 1950 and 1980, this series provided a historical education to generations of children. Even as a youngster, I knew that if I picked up a "Landmark book" at the library or book store there would be no argument with my parents and I would enjoy it and learn something.

Many of you probably are familiar with these titles and pick them up at used book sales whenever you can. Now, it's a bit easier to get your hands on the books because they're being reprinted. There are currently 26 available and we have them at a special price! 
Isn't that a beautiful collection?

The collection features some of the most interesting people and events in history and if you have a voracious reader who needs a constant stream of material, this is for you. These titles are also excellent for more reluctant readers as they're all very well written and engaging. Each author treats his or her subject in full color and displays history in all its true drama! Series authors include Ralph Moody, Armstrong Sperry, Sterling North, and more! The reprints include original Landmark titles as well as those written in the same tradition after the series stopped printing. 

Here is a complete list of titles:

Abe Lincoln: Friend of the People by Clara Ingram Judson
Alexander the Great by John Gunther
Battle in the Arctic Seas by Theodore Taylor
Invasion: The Story of D-Day by Bruce Bliven, Jr.
Joan of Arc: Warrior Saint by Jay Williams
Lawrence of Arabia by Alistair Maclean
Lee and Grant at Appomattox by MacKinlay Kantor
Pearl Harbor Attack by Edwin P. Hoyt
The Barbary Pirates by C. S. Forester
The Swamp Fox of the Revolution by Stewart H. Holbrook

You can currently get all twenty six titles on our website for a special discounted price! We know building a library is expensive, so here's a great way to get some excellent titles on your shelves while saving money. Get all twenty six titles for $169.95, a savings of nearly $18.00! Click here to order


  1. What age group would you recommend these for?

    1. Great question Michelle! They're written at a 5th-7th level but can be read aloud to younger students. I also know plenty of adults who have enjoyed reading them!
