
Monday, August 20, 2012

Another chance to study literature with Rea Berg!

For all you readers in California, you have another opportunity to sign up for one of Rea Berg's literary parties! Here's the details from Rea:

Hello Fellow Book Lovers,
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date.–Shakespeare, Sonnet 18

Well, summer’s lease is nearly over, and despite our wish that it could linger just a bit longer, school days will shortly be upon us!  So, to give us all a boost (myself included), I am hosting a “Back to School” Literature Soirée on Saturday, September 8.  I will cover more literary analysis, but this time we will look at how to analyze historical literature within the context of the heroic quest.  This will be a fun adventure as we consider how the heroes and heroines of the eras of exploration, discovery, and colonization provide examples of heroic archetypes fulfilling their own unique destinies.
I will present an overview of the best historical works for children covering the period of the early 1600s up through the Civil War.  The concentration will be early American History, but some world history will naturally be a part of that.  So roughly speaking, here is how the day should go:
9:30-10 am: Arrival and get acquainted with a cup of coffee or tea
10 am-10:30: a brief session will look at current statistics of American student’s knowledge of history and literature as well as the why’s and wherefore’s of the “notebook approach”
10:30-11:30 am: the best children’s literature of Early American Exploration, Discovery, and Colonization
11:30 am-noon: Analyzing historical literature using the elements of the heroic quest (definition and overview), anthropomorphism, the orphaned child literary trope, and others!  (not to worry, I will clearly define all of these before setting you out on your own).
Noon-1:45: Working lunch applying literary analysis to various works of historical literature. This time we will work in pairs to save time
1:45-2 pm: Coffee Break
2:00-3:00 pm: the best Children’s Literature of the American Revolution–the Civil War
3:00-3:30 pm:  Wrap up and feedback on take away
So to recap: Saturday, September 8, 2012
At my home: 1306 Mill Street, San Luis Obispo
Time: 9:30 am–3:30 pm
Cost: $30 (which will include lunch– please email me if you need gluten free or vegetarian)  You can register here.
Finally, this soiree is already half booked with ladies returning from our summer session.  So please register soon, to insure you have a place!

If you have attended one of Rea's events, you know it's a wonderful time of meeting other likeminded home schooling parents and working together on fun assignments, expanding your knowledge, and really being recharged and re-inspired. 

If you would like to book a literary event at your home with Rea, please contact her at 
rea (@) bfbooks (.) com to discuss the details.  


  1. Rea,

    Please consider filming these so those of us NOT in CA can have 'literary soirees' of our own!! Or, do you have plans to travel around the country? Texas would be a nice place to start! :0)

    1. Hi Lori,
      Please email me some details of what kind of group you might have and I can look at the feasibility of traveling to Texas! You never know, anything can happen! Cheers, Rea
